75 Pa.C.S. § 1711 Required benefits
(a) MEDICAL BENEFIT.– An insurer issuing or delivering liability insurance policies covering any motor vehicle of the type required to be registered under this title, except recreational vehicles not intended for highway use, motorcycles, motor-driven cycles or motorized pedalcycles or like type vehicles, registered and operated in this Commonwealth, shall include coverage providing a medical benefit in the amount of $ 5,000. [NOTE: $5,000 is the minimum].



75 Pa.C.S. § 1702 Definitions
The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

“BENEFITS” or “FIRST PARTY BENEFITS.” Medical benefits, income loss benefits, accidental death benefits and funeral benefits.

“NECESSARY MEDICAL TREATMENT AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES.” Treatment, accommodations, products or services which are determined to be necessary by a licensed health care provider unless they shall have been found or determined to be unnecessary by a State-approved Peer Review Organization (PRO).

75 Pa.C.S. § 1716. Payment of benefits
Benefits are overdue if not paid within 30 days after the insurer receives reasonable proof of the amount of the benefits. If reasonable proof is not supplied as to all benefits, the portion supported by reasonable proof is overdue if not paid within 30 days after the proof is received by the insurer.

Overdue benefits shall bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum from the date the benefits become due. In the event the insurer is found to have acted in an unreasonable manner in refusing to pay the benefits when due, the insurer shall pay, in addition to the benefits owed and the interest thereon, a reasonable attorney fee based upon actual time expended.

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7 things the insurance companies won't tell you | Wolpert Schreiber P.C.

Why Choose Us?

We know how stressful the situation can be. We try to answer each of your questions and concerns. We handle all aspects of the case so you can focus on getting well and returning to your normal routines of life.

We are dedicated to providing legal representation to clients who have suffered from a personal injury. We focus personal attention to your case and to the legal issues critical in achieving a recovery. Our focus is on you, your needs, and your case. Each case gets our full attention. We achieve not only justice for our clients but strive for positive results to make our community safer for everyone.

Call us today for a free case evaluation at (610) 792-3304

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Areas of Practice

We offer our expert legal services to the following areas: Collegeville, Royersford, Limerick, Trappe, Phoenixville, Pottstown, Skippack, King of Prussia, Norristown, Valley Forge, and surrounding areas.

Dave Schreiber Attorney | Wolpert Schreiber P.C.

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