Injured In Car Accident?
5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Wait To See A Doctor
Growing up you were taught “patience is a virtue”. You’re not the kind of person that runs out and sues. You think, ‘if I just tough it out and wait, I’ll feel better”. While these sentiments may be admirable in other times in your life, they are not in your best interest after a car accident. Why?
Here are 5 reasons.
1. You may be worsening your medical condition by not seeing a medical doctor promptly. In fact, it may end up taking you longer to get better if you delay treatment.
2. The at-fault insurance company will use a delay in treatment against you – including blaming your injury on something other than the accident to minimize what they owe.
3. You have nothing to lose by seeing the doctor for legitimate symptoms. Under PA Law, initial medical bills are covered by your insurance company under your ‘no fault’ medical coverage. You paid the premiums for this. Your company should not raise your rates.
4. Your own auto insurance company may try to deny coverage for later medical treatment if you delay. They may argue that the delayed treatment is no longer reasonable or necessary or is not related to the accident.
5. You can always decide later not to make a claim, but if you wait or delay, you may be preventing yourself from recovering damages later. Each day that goes by that you don’t see a doctor for legitimate symptoms helps the other person’s insurance company in their effort to pay you less for your damages. This is because the law requires you to prove that their driver’s conduct was a “factual cause” of your injuries. The longer a delay in seeing a medical doctor, the more likely it is their insurance company will try to argue the accident was not a factual cause of your injuries.
If you aren’t sure of what to do, contact an experienced injury lawyer. Contact us today for a free consultation. (610) 792-3304.. We work for your case.
This article is not intended as legal advice. The facts of each case must be carefully evaluated. Contact us for a free evaluation specific to your case.